by ALCHEMY DMC | Ene 18, 2017 | Sin categoría
Last November, National Parks took effective possession of Portal Cambyretá, located in the Northeast access of the Esteros, just 70 km from Puerto Valle Hotel.
In this way the first stage of the project is inaugurated, which will have 150 thousand hectares that will conform the Iberá National Park.

Due to our proximity, we will be including exclusive activities for guests staying at the hotel.

We would like to remind you that Puerto Valle Hotel stands on the Paraná River, 55 km from Posadas Airport, and 350 km from Iguazu Falls (as an additional service, we offer an in – out transfer including a visit to the San Ignacio Miní Jesuit Mission Ruins, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO).

The hotel has private access to Laguna Valle, ideal to experience a photographic safari or bird watching, besides a boat trip in the Paraná River to watch the sunset, Kayaking through the different channels, hiking along the Path of the Ribera, visit the tree nursery to get acquainted with one of the main producing activities of the province of Corrientes (yerba mate, tea, etc.), horseback riding, free use of the pool and bicycles available to make a tour through the Park, which was designed by the recognized landscaper Carlos Thays.

Everything that happens in Puerto Valle is related to the River, the Estancia, the culture and traditions of the Province of Corrientes and Los Esteros del Iberá.

Providing a warm and personalized service in each moment of the stay.

by ALCHEMY DMC | Ene 18, 2017 | ALCHEMY DMC News, ALCHEMY DMC News, Tourism News
The next time you’re in Argentina’s capital, here’s where—and what—to eat.
Travelers have long raved about Buenos Aires’s roster of European cafes and traditional parrillas, the latter of which serves some of the best steaks in the world. But until recently, there wasn’t much culinary diversity to speak of in this otherwise cosmopolitan destination.

In recent years, however, a new generation of restaurants offering flavors from Asia, the Middle East, and various corners of Latin America have added a hearty dose of multiculturalism to the city’s food scene; and local chefs are increasingly showcasing overlooked homegrown ingredients, redefining Argentine cuisine along the way. Adventurous eaters rejoice.
The 15 Best Restaurants in Buenos Aires are:
Roux –
Lusitano –
El Obrero –
Proper –
Gran Dabbang –
Sunae Asian Cantina –
Alo’s Bistro –
Mishiguene –
El Baqueano –
Aramburu –
Elena –
Florería Atlántico –
iLatina –
Tomo 1 –
La Cabrera –
To find out more about each restaurant, click here.
by ALCHEMY DMC | Ene 18, 2017 | ALCHEMY DMC News, ALCHEMY DMC News, Tourism News
21% VAT will be reimbursed to foreign visitors on hotel rates in Argentina.
As from January 2, 2017, foreign tourists will be reimbursed the 21% VAT for accommodation. This measure aims at a greater flow of travelers, greater income from foreign exchange and the creation of new jobs.
The estimated impact, after a year of application, is of 95 thousand new tourists, with an income of more than 70 million dollars, and is expected to generate almost 8 thousand new direct and indirect jobs.

“The legislation we are promoting includes all contracts in the area of accommodation of non-resident tourists and includes both direct purchases and via travel agencies. We aim that the entire chain of Argentine tourist value is competitive and of quality, “said Santos.
The VAT refund on accommodation services will be applied to people who can prove their residence abroad by means of their passport or ID card and who pay by a credit card issued abroad or a bank transfer originated outside the boundaries of Argentina.
The hotels and properties must be registered in the AFIP as accommodation services. And the agencies must also be registered and qualified by the National Tourism Ministry.
The VAT rebate proposes the regulation of a system which will improve competitiveness, as foreign tourists will automatically pay a lower rate for the accommodation service in Argentina.

Furthermore, this measure facilitates the inspection, since it is based on the use of electronic invoicing, facilitating the control of the sector by AFIP and covers the whole of the accommodation commercial chain and incorporates the direct purchase by the tourist.
The implementation was registered in the Resolucion Conjunta General 3971 of the Federal Public Revenue Administration and the National Ministry of Tourism.